Monday, December 28, 2015

Lots of great dances on the list for 2016!

Monday night dancing in Petaluma will start on January 4 and run through May 2 (no class April 18) from 7-9:15 p.m. at Herman Sons Hall, 860 Western Avenue, Petaluma. I'm planning to teach Abdala, Kulsko Horo, Dramskoto (Bulgaria); Skudrinka (Macedonia); Malhao (Portugal); TsotsoSofka (Greece), and Passa Torrau (Italy). Cost is $65 for the 17-week session, or $7 drop-in. You can register for the session at the first class.

Israeli Folk Dancing at Osher Jewish Community Center, 200 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael will resume the first week in January on Thursdays 1:30-4 p.m. with two 6-week sessions: January 7-February 18 (no class January 21) and March 3-April 7. I'll be teaching two favorites: Or Chadash and Bati Elecha. Cost is $30 per 6-week session, or $7 drop-in. You can register and pay at the JCC front desk.

The College of Marin International Folk Dance Class is on Wednesdays 2:10-3:30 p.m. at PE#22 on the Kentfield Campus. Sessions are scheduled February 3-March 16 ($60 for the 7-week session), and March 30-May 11 (no class April 13 or 20; $45 for the 5-week session). You can register at: http://marincommunityed.com

Looking forward to dancing with you!

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